Competitor Analysis
How do you really compare?
Competitor analysis provides an opportunity to benchmark your company, your service and products against industry competitors in an informed manner. Analysing the competition and comparing to yourselves provides an insight into how you can develop your products and services to increase or maintain your competitive advantage.
Do your customers know why you are different?
Win Marketing adopts a variety of techniques to compare a company to its competitors and these include:
- Mystery shopping – comparing you to your competitors
- Agreeing a scenario with our clients, we will put the service and/or product to the test, assessing a number of issues including the levels of service, messages, product and packaging
- Desk Research – comparing level of coverage in promotional activity, website rankings, etc
- By conducting desk research we will look at the consistency and frequency of messages across your industry, providing a valuable insight into how, when and where improvements can be made
- Direct interviews – assess levels of strengths and weaknesses from customers and people in the relevant target audience
- Carrying our direct market research interviews provides a direct benchmark from the eyes of customers and consumers about suppliers in your market place. This helps identify areas of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
If you are looking at conducting a competitor analysis, please contact one of our marketing specialists on 01509 265890 or contact us for more information.