Get to Know Your Customers with Market Research
Currently, Win Marketing is working on large-scale market research project for a client who wants to get to know its customers better. This type of market research can be incredibly valuable to a company, as it can help to improve sales over time by informing your marketing strategy with useful information about your customers’ wants and needs.
Using Marketing Tactics to Communicate the Health and Safety
Over the years, we have created successful and engaging campaigns for many clients in this industry, and MD Ann Goodwin regularly hosts seminars to help companies communicate their health and safety message more effectively by using marketing strategies.
2015 Highlights
2015 has been an exciting year at Win Marketing. We have taken on many different projects for a wide range of clients, helping them to meet their marketing needs. Here are some of the highlights of our year.

Win Marketing at the Rugby World Cup
Win Marketing MD Ann Goodwin has recently spent time volunteering at the Rugby World Cup. Lending her marketing expertise, along with other volunteers in ‘The Pack’ they have been helping to keep everything running smoothly in the RWC media centre.

Tesco’s, smoky bacon Pringles and understanding culture
Tesco are under fire this week for offering bacon flavoured Pringles as part of a Ramadan promotion. Though neither Tesco’s nor Pringles intended to use the smoky bacon flavoured crisps within their Ramadan promotion, due to a staff mistake, the error was broadcasted to countless people due to the viral nature of social media.