Public Relations
Public Relations
To raise your profile
An effective PR and communications strategy can result in improved recognition, direct sales leads, better relationships with stakeholders, raised awareness and an enhanced reputation. At Win Marketing, we work in partnership with clients to develop and deliver a consistent PR strategy. After conducting competitor and customer analysis we work with clients to develop a promotion plan for the year with timescales and budgets agreed in advance. This allows our customers to concentrate on their core business whilst we promote their business.
With ex-journalists and chartered marketers in the team, all with wide ranging industry and media contacts we are confident we can help you raise your public profile. Typically, we support clients based on an agreed monthly fee with clear objectives to be achieved over a 12 month period. The PR support usually includes:
- Developing a PR strategy
- Specialist trade public relations or a business to consumer pr campaign
- Helping to raise the profile of our clients both in the UK and internationally
- Specialist trade public relations or a business to consumer pr campaign
- Managing media relationships
- Mainintaining regular contact with key journalists
- Negotiating advertising and editorial charges
- Implementing a PR plan
- Ensuring that the strategy is delivered
- Copywriting
- Effective copywriting involves considering your target audience and making your words relevant and appropriate to them. While your design catches their eye, your words have to catch their mind. Win Marketing has the creative skills to communicate your message in interesting and inspiring ways
- Working with journalists and using our relationships, we are able to provide them with technical articles and regular content for media releases around our clients’ news including:
- New products/services or new staff
- Case studies
- Contracts awarded and any awards won
- Industry view/Technical industry related articles
- Competitions
- Our aim is to help keep you in the media for the right reason, but if things do go wrong, we can help you with managing negative communication issues
- Maximising online PR
- Circulating press releases to online pr sites, blogs, forums, etc
- Copywriting content for clients’ websites, blogs and social media
- Evaluating and monitoring the effectiveness of any PR
- Benchmarking against the competition
- Providing regular press cuttings
- Event Management
- As part of your marketing communications team, we can help with any aspect of event management to help you raise your profile or improve relationships with your stakeholders
- Crisis management PR
- Media training
- Newsletters, case studies, articles and press releases
- For many businesses, newsletters and case studies are an effective public relations tool, providing the perfect medium to communicate with customers, prospects and the press. The Win Marketing team has extensive experience of sourcing appropriate stories and images for newsletters and can manage every stage of the production process
If you are interested in Win Marketing providing PR support please contact us or phone +44(0)1509 265890.